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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

kertagosa in Klungkung mystery

Kerta Gosa is atourism place in klungkung city. Kertagosa is located in the middle of Klungkung town. Kertagosa is located between a monument and Klungkung market. In Kertagosa there are two beautiful buildings

One building is at north eart. In this place, there is a sat place forkings. On the ceilling there are paintings the story is about the lifein hell. The story is very misterius and mistics. This building is near the road. It looks so beautiful. So if you see it,you will be amazed. And don’t forget there are many stories on the painting'

And another building is located in the middle of pond garden. In pool there fishes and water flowers. This building is located in the middle of the garden. From this b
uilding we can see the


There is also pemedal Agung. Usually this place is used as entering door of kingdom. And now it is used as a place for praying. The place has story which very mystical. Word of people,if door in pemeedal Agung opened,will happened disasters in Indonesia.”Oh!” ii’s very mystical. There is more stories about Pemeedal Agung.

There is also a museum . It’s name is Semara Jaya museum. There are many historical heritages there. Certainly, it is the heritage of Klungkun Kingdom. Beside that, there are also antique things. And there are also the fotos of kings families. And also there isalso Balinise writing in Lontar. There are still many historical heritage in Klungkung Kingdom.

Every day, inmany tourist visit Kerta Gosa. Kording to the employees in Kertagosa, the guests is ofmostly visit to on Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday. The location of Kertagosa is very strategic and easy to be found. Beside that Kertagosa is also near the regent office of Klungkung. And Kertagosa is also often visited by the students who go home from school and also doing tasks, because Kertagosa is very pleasant. We can see is the coment from the guests. One of them is as following:

- Name : Petra Helmout

- Impression : Beautifull

- Condition : Good

- Country : Germany

Acerrding to her. Kertagosa is very good and beautifull

Mei Ling Zeng





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